Identity Quotes in Neuromancer

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Aside from the huge pair of sunglasses concealing her mirrored insets, [Molly] managed to look remarkably like she belonged there, another tourist girl hoping for a glimpse of Tally Isham. She wore a pink plastic, a white mesh top, loose white pants cut in a style that had been fashionable in Tokyo the previous year. (4.53)

People ascribe the identity of others as quickly as a first glance. As a result, identity can often be fooled by something as simple as the type of clothes one wears. In what ways does Neuromancer force us to look beyond these surface details and see what's underneath?

Quote #5

Translated French medical records explained that a man without identification had been taken to a Paris mental health unit and diagnosed as schizophrenic […] He became a subject in an experimental program that sought to reverse schizophrenia through the application of cybernetic models. (6.27)

Corto is cured of his schizophrenia and becomes Armitage. But is it really a cure if he becomes an entirely different person? If we can't consider it a cure, then what is it exactly?

Quote #6

The suggestion of brutality offset the delicacy of his jaw and the quickness of his smile. (7.122)

Riviera's features have been altered to make him physically appealing, but his underlining brutality shows through like a wolf wearing sheep's clothing, or a wolf wearing any clothing for that matter.