Transformation Quotes in Neuromancer

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Wintermute was a simple cube of white light, that very simplicity suggesting extreme complexity. (9.42)

Wintermute is represented as a cube of white light, but later it transforms into the people from Case's past to communicate with Case or someone from Armitage's past to communicate with Armitage. As data, Wintermute can transform depending on who's accessing it. Think of it as the way you can personalize your gadgetry with desktop backgrounds and keyboard shortcuts. Except way more extreme.

Quote #5

Now [Case] saw that their tans were uneven, a stencil effect produced by selective melanin boosting, multiple shades overlapping in rectilinear patterns. (10.49)

Here's an example of transformation through technology that is available even today. Although we don't know of any tanning booths that offer patterns. But hey, it's only a matter of time.

Quote #6

Freeside suddenly made sense to him. Biz. He could feel it humming in the air. This was it, the local action. (11.112)

Case finds something he recognizes in Freeside and that recognition instantly transforms the alien city to something more familiar. Can you think of instances where something similar has happened to you?