Violence Quotes in Neuromancer

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"He's a kind of compulsive Judas. Can't get off sexually unless he knows he's betraying the object of desire." (7.106)

Well that's disturbing. Riviera's a good old-fashioned sociopath who combines violence with sexual arousal. We see his violent desires manifest more when he has Molly hostage in Straylight later in the novel.

Quote #5

"Sure. I was crazy. Figured, I'd try to cut it. Hit the first strata and that's all she wrote. My joeboy smelled the skin frying and pulled the trodes off me. Mean s***, that ice."

"And your EEG was flat."

"Well, that's the stuff of legend, ain't it?" (9.31-33).

When iPads attack. As the boundaries between technology and humanity shrink, violence in the virtual world becomes an unfortunate side effect.

Quote #6

There was an inverted symmetry: Riviera puts the dreamgirl together, the dreamgirl takes him apart. With those hands. Dreamblood soaking the rotten lace. (11.38)

Although this display of violence isn't real, its connection with reality causes Molly pain all the same.