Nothing Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Without her hair, Ursula-Marie would no longer be Ursula-Marie with her six blue braids, which meant that she no longer would be Ursula-Marie at all. (11.12)

Of course cutting your hair doesn't make you a different person, but Agnes is so caught up in appearances she can't see this. Ah, 7th grade.

Quote #8

One Jon-Johan had become another Jon-Johan, and we didn't care for this one. I thought maybe it had been this one Sofie had seen that night with the innocence, except that time it had been him on top, and suddenly I got shivers down my spine thinking about how many different people one and the same person can be. (17.36)

Why would Jon-Johan have behaved the same way the night of Sofie's rape that he behaved the night she cut off his finger? Uh, yeah… we'll give you a pass if you don't even want to go there.

Quote #9

It was nice inside the fame and the belief in the meaning, and I didn't want out of it, because beyond that there was only the outside and nothing. So I carried on parading myself around and looking superior, exactly as if I really had found the meaning and had no doubts whatsoever. (20.30)

Take note: often, the people who seem the most confident are actually the most insecure. It's kind of like how the most talented people are usually the most humble: they're actually good at what they do, so they've got nothing to prove.