Nothing Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"If you don't turn up, we'll beat you up all over again!" Otto hollered after him.

"No, said Sofie, shaking her head. "If you don't turn up, we're going to take the whole hand." (17.24-25)

At this point, it could be argued that Sofie has a mental illness. But being a victim of violence can make you behave in some pretty crazy ways, too. Maybe she's exhibiting some signs of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Quote #8

No, it was worse than pathetic, because Jon-Johan was the class leader and could play guitar and sing Beatles songs, but all of a sudden he'd become a howling little baby you just wanted to kick. (17.36)

Agnes has a strong reaction to seeing Jon-Johan's mask come off. Seeing him show his true self is so revolting to her that she can't find any sympathy for the fact that he's about to lose his finger.

Quote #9

My eye caught sight only of more blood in the chaos of fighting bodies, blood that ran from the faces of my classmates and gradually was staining the sawdust and the concrete floor beneath. (23.23)

Sofie's breakdown sparks everyone else's revolt. As soon as she admits Pierre Anthon is right and stops being the holdout for the meaning, all bets are off, and it's payback time.