Omeros Chapter XVI Summary


  • We're back to our modern-day Major Plunkett, who is working on his family tree.
  • He's found many an ancestor linked to battle in some way or another, and has paid a professional to help him uncover more ancestors and draw up a tree and coat of arms.
  • In case you'd forgotten, Plunkett says he has no son and heir to add to the tree.


  • Walcott gives us a glimpse into an evening at home with the Plunketts: He maps battle lines, while she embroiders a never-ending quilt. Plunkett sees this quilt as Maud's shroud.
  • He admires the skill of her hands, but is depressed at this thought; he returns to the frustrating job of locating battle lines precisely.


  • We learn of Plunkett's unfulfilled desire to make a "pilgrimage" to major battle sites of the British Empire.
  • Maud reminded him that it would destroy him financially, and without a son to motivate him further, he abandoned the plan.