On the Road Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #88

"What about Camille?"

"Gave permission of course - waiting for me. Camille and I all straight forever-and-ever..."

"And Inez?"

"I - I - I want her to come back to Frisco with me live other side of town - don’t you think?" (V.1.9-V.1.12)

Unable to decide on one woman, Dean’s selfish solution is to have everything and everyone at the same time.

Quote #89

With Inez he spent one night explaining and sweating and fighting, and she threw him out. A letter came for him, care of me. I saw it. It was from Camille. "My heart broke when I saw you go across the tracks with your bag. I pray and pray you get back safe. ... I do want Sal and his friend to come and live on the same street. ... I know you’ll make it but I can’t help worrying - now that we’ve decided everything . . . Dear Dean, it’s the end of the first half of the century. Welcome with love and kisses to spend the other half with us. We all wait for you. [Signed] Camille, Amy, and Little Joanie." So Dean’s life was settled with his most constant, most embittered, and best-knowing wife Camille, and I thanked God for him. (V.1.12)

Although he previously described Marylou as understanding Dean’s madness, Sal interestingly now describes Camille as being Dean’s "best-knowing wife."