One Came Home Theme of Strength and Skill

If there's one thing Georgie has, it's confidence in her abilities, specifically when those abilities involve shooting and selling. We hear a million times what a good shot she is, and about half a million times what a good salesperson she is. Usually she's the one telling us, but sometimes others, like Billy and Grandfather Bolte, chime in.

Georgie latches on to both of these skills as real parts of her identity in, which is why what happens at the end of One Came Home is interesting: Georgie totally gives up her shooting in favor of running the store. In a sense, she gives up half of who she is in favor of the other half.

Questions About Strength and Skill

  1. Which seems to be more important to Georgie, shooting or running the store?
  2. Does Georgie appreciate the strengths and skills of others, even when they conflict with her own?
  3. How does Georgie demonstrate these skills in the novel?
  4. To what extent are Georgie's skills part of who she is as a character?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Georgie's skills in shooting and selling are major parts of her relationship with Grandfather Bolte.

Georgie's rejection of shooting at the end is evidence of her newfound maturity.