One Came Home Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from One Came Home.

Family Quotes

Seeing the reverend on the other side of that six-foot hole reminded me that I was "sister of the the deceased"—a fancy title for someone who stands quietly, holds her tongue, and maintains a mou...

Violence Quotes

I do not want to talk about what I saw. But if you're to understand the rest, here's what you need to know: There wasn't a lot of body left (the sheriff said that it'd been exposed to animals). The...

Guilt and Blame Quotes

Agatha smiled. She patted the bed. I knew what that meant, even though she hadn't done it since I was eight or so. I jumped into the center and arranged myself cross-legged. She climbed up and knee...

Strength and Skill Quotes

On Friday, Grandfather Bolte handed me the newly cleaned Springfield. "That's a good rifle. You, Georgie, have got the touch for it. You're as good a shot as I've ever seen." (5.15)

Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

She spoke rapidly. Agatha told me she'd asked for tuition money for the University of Wisconsin at Madison as her Christmas present. She explained how she had offered to spend her savings, which sh...

Man and the Natural World Quotes

I reached out to stop her because I thought she'd get hurt, but Agatha was already beyond my grasp. Wild pigeons are as big as crows. They fly fast and with much strength. They'll knock you off you...

Mortality Quotes

Don't misunderstand me—a funeral is a funeral. Though my sister wasn't in that pine box, a body lay in it sure enough. Remember, I told myself many times during the reverend's eulogy, and then as...

Time Quotes

Ten days after telling the story of the white pigeon, my sister, Agatha, ran off. The date was Thursday, May 25. If the pigeons left with a great clapping sound, my sister slipped off with no sound...