Orlando Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #13

Fame! (She laughed.) Fame! Seven editions. A prize. Photographs in the evening papers (here she alluded to the 'Oak Tree' and 'The Burdett Coutts' Memorial Prize which she had won; and we must snatch space to remark how discomposing it is for her biographer that this culmination to which the whole book moved, this peroration with which the book was to end, should be dashed from us on a laugh casually like this; but the truth is that when we write of a woman, everything is out of place--culminations and perorations; the accent never falls where it does with a man). Fame! she repeated. A poet--a charlatan; both every morning as regularly as the post comes in. To dine, to meet; to meet, to dine; fame--fame! (6.74)

This suggests that had Orlando been a man at this point, the biography would have ended. Since men seek glory and ambition, winning awards for poetry should signal the final end and triumph of the novel.