Out of Africa Escape Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Out of Africa.

Quote #7

KAREN: I still have your compass.

DENYS: Why don't you keep it? You've earned it. Besides, I don't always want to know where I'm going.

A compass allows you to escape but still keep your bearings. Dennis needs more radical escape, it seems.

Quote #8

KAREN: In the days and hours that Denys was at home, we spoke of nothing ordinary. Not of my troubles with the farm, my notes due and my failing crop, or of his, with his work, what he knew was happening to Africa. Or of anything at all that was small and real. We lived disconnected, and apart from things.

Karen and Denys weren't limited to conversation about the simple things: they could recite poetry, and debate philosophy and think Deep Thoughts. It afforded them an ideal escape from an ordinary world that they really didn't have much use for.

Quote #9

KAREN: When you go away...you don't always go on safari, do you? Just want to be away.

DENYS: It's not meant to hurt you.

KAREN: It does.

Karen is correct: Denys is so terrified of commitment that he takes trips just to escape from the possibility.