Out of Africa Part 5, Chapter 4 Summary

Farah and I Sell Out

  • The Baroness is now alone on the farm and starts selling all of her possessions. As the house grows bare, Farah starts wearing his best and fanciest clothing.
  • Next she gets rid of all of her animals, giving them to her friends.
  • Finally, the people start to leave, like Pooran Singh, the blacksmith. She gives him a present that he has wanted for a long time: a ring that she buys with the money from selling furniture.
  • After Denys dies she looks for a sign, and sees a big white rooster attack a chameleon, plucking out its tongue. She scares off the rooster and kills the chameleon to put it out of its misery. The world seems like a terrible place after receiving such a sign.
  • Ingrid Lindstrom, a neighbor, comes to visit and help the Baroness get through the hard goodbye.
  • One of her last tasks is getting the squatters, the Natives who live on the farm, reassigned by the government to a new territory. They want to stay together, and the Baroness manages to get them permission.