The Canterbury Tales: The Pardoner's Tale Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Why does the Pardoner choose to reveal his trade secrets to the pilgrims?
  2. Find a modern advertisement that replicates one or a few of the same techniques the Pardoner uses in his sales pitch. What are the techniques? Where do you see them in the Pardoner's Tale?
  3. In the "moral tale" the Pardoner tells, who is the Old Man? What is he meant to represent?
  4. How does the Pardoner's "confession" compare to the Wife of Bath's? What motivates these confessions? Is there any similarity in the "tricks of the trade" they employ?
  5. Why does Chaucer make the Pardoner sexually different? Does that have any psychological meaning? Religious significance?
  6. Why do you think Chaucer, an observant Catholic, wrote stories like this one that ridiculed the excesses and frauds in the Church?
  7. Which is the more convincing "sermon" against greed, the Prologue or the Tale itself?
  8. Do you think a fraud can preach a convincing sermon?
  9. Would you buy a used car from this man?