Charlie Quotes


Quote 19

I figured that it was about time to stop smoking so much pot. (4.3.56)

…and start getting real. Oh, sorry, it's "stop being polite and start getting real." We're still thinking about the glory days of The Real World. In any case, Charlie finally gets real and understands that the drugs are hurting him way more than they're helping him.


Quote 20

Patrick and I have been spending a lot of time together. We drink a lot. Actually, it's more like Patrick drinks, and I sip. (4.5.2)

Now it's Patrick's turn to hop on the using-alcohol-or-drugs-to-cope-with-a-difficult-situation bandwagon. We wonder how that will turn out.


Quote 21

Over the summer, [Susan] got a little taller and prettier and grew breasts. Now, she acts a lot dumber in the hallways, especially when boys are around. (1.2.2)

Sound familiar? We all know someone like this. We here at Shmoop having nothing against puberty, but come on, Susan—be classy.