Persepolis Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #7

I headed straight for the supermarket to buy groceries like a woman. (20.37)

This is the first thing Marjane does after she finds herself in the boarding school in Vienna. Does buying groceries on one's own make you a woman? She also starts going by Marjane instead of Marji at this time, so there's that to factor in, too.

Quote #8

My mental transformation was followed by my physical metamorphosis. (24.1)

This statement is accompanied by an image of Marjane looking like the hulk, ripping through clothing. It's an appropriate comparison, seeing how she grows seven inches in a year and totally changes. Maybe the Hulk was secretly designed by a hormone-addled teenage girl. You wouldn't like them when they're angry, either.

Quote #9

It was beginning to look like something. (24.11)

And she doesn't mean beginning to look a lot like Christmas either. She's talking about finding her personal style, which is very important as a teenager. Marjane spends a lot of time crafting her unique look, and the fact that her character stands out on every page shows that she succeeded.