The Pigman Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter)

Quote #4

[John:] I decided not to push the matter, but I did need a dollar and a quarter for a six-pack, so when I got home I asked my Old Lady for it.
"No, no, no," she said in her best grating voice, all the while shining the coffee table in our sparkling living room […] (5)

Interesting how John casually asks his mother for money for beer and cigarettes – – although he undoubtedly didn't tell her what it was for. John apparently doesn't have an allowance, or any other source of pocket money.

Quote #5

[John:] "You're ruining your lungs with that thing" was the first remark out of her [Lorraine's] mouth besides a cough from a misdirected puff from my cigarette. She sounds just like her mother when she says that. (5)

Ouch! To say that Lorraine sounds like her mother is hardly a compliment. What, exactly, does Lorraine's voice sound like? Later, Norton calls her a "screech owl," and John comes to her defense (9).

Quote #6

[Lorraine:] Right after we left the Pigman's, John dragged me down to Tony's Market, which is on the corner of Victory Boulevard and Cebra Avenue. All the kids go to Tony's because he sells beer to anyone and for some reason the police leave him alone. John thinks he pays them off, but I think it's just that old Tony has a nice, friendly face and believes in the old days when they thought a little alcohol was good for everyone. He's sort of a father-image with a cultural lag. (6)

The description of Tony, who has a nice friendly face, and believes in the old days when they thought a little alcohol was good for everyone, reminds us of…Mr. Pignati! Interesting that Lorraine and John have another adult in their lives who is somewhat similar to Mr. Pignati.