Polynomial Division and Rational Expressions Resources

Best of the Web. Picked by our PhDs


Purplemath: Polynomial Long Division

Check this out for a detailed, step-by-step explanation of how to go through a polynomial long division problem. The explanation is even longer than the division, but that's a good thing.

Math is Fun: Rational Expressions

This site will help solidify in your mind everything you've learned about rational expressions, as well as delve into other aspects of rational expressions that you may not be ready for yet. It's like a sneak peek into the great unknown. Bring a sweater in case it gets cold.

Purplemath: Work Word Problems

Another page from the good people at Purplemath, but this one takes you through solving a "Work" Word Problem. In other words, "how long does it take a to accomplish b in c time?" Sorry to hit you with a bunch of variables right out of the gate like that.


eHow: Dividing Polynomials

Are all those numbers, lines, and signs in polynomial division problems making you dizzy? Need someone to visually break it down for you? Enter Jimmy. He'll walk you through a sample problem so you'll feel more at ease doing others on your own. Take it away, Jimmy.

Online Math Learning: Factoring Polynomials

Not one, not two, but three videos to help you get over the factoring polynomials hump! Hm, that was supposed to be funny. So much for the "rule of threes."

YourTutorOnline: Simplify Complex Rational Expressions

Complex = bad. Simple = good. Let this online tutor help you take "bad" expressions and make them "good." And it doesn't even require sending them to military school.

Games and Tools

Polymathlove: Free Math Solver

Check out a multitude of rational expressions here, then see how to simplify, factor, or expand them and how to find the GCF or LCM! Keep clicking "New Example" until you've seen enough. Click "Factor," and it will factor things for you! It's like having a math butler!

Hotmath Practice Problems

Practice multiplying and dividing rational expressions, then click on the button to see if you did them right. Although this site is called "Hotmath," we urge you not to fall for it too deeply. It's way out of your league.

Mathportal: Rational Expressions Calculator

Plug in your own numerator and denominator, and let the calculator do the rest. You should probably use it only as a learning tool, however, and not to cheat. You'd have a hard time hiding your entire laptop inside one of your sleeves anyway.