Prince Caspian Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"It was your Highness's ancestor, Caspian the First," said Doctor Cornelius, "who first conquered Narnia and made it his kingdom." (4.26)

It's never fully stated whether or not Caspian the First started the horrible mistreatment of Narnians, or if that came later with rulers like Miraz. We've always been curious about that. Wonder if there are any clues to be found elsewhere in the story…

Quote #5

[…] and on the stones, peering in the twilight, Caspian saw strange characters and snaky patterns, and pictures in which the form of a Lion was repeated again and again. It all seemed to belong to an even older Narnia than the Narnia of which his nurse had told him. (7.37)

The further you go into Narnia's past, the more idyllic things become, since it draws closer to Aslan's ideal for the country. Well, except for that whole White Witch thing. That was a bit of a fiasco.

Quote #6

"It is hard for you, little one," said Aslan. "But things never happen the same way twice. It has been hard for us all in Narnia before now." (10.68)

Although returning to the past is ideal in Prince Caspian, it does come with the warning that things cannot be exactly the same. It'll always be different because the past is, well, the past.