Marriage Quotes in The Princess Bride

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Widows happen. Every day—don't they, Your Highness?" (8.75)

Turns out that Buttercup actually does marry Humperdinck. But Westley isn't too concerned, because he's pretty confident that Buttercup will soon be single again (once he kills Humperdinck).

Quote #8

"I think, sweetest child, that we should strike a bargain, you and I: if Westley wants to marry you still, bless you both. If, for reasons unpleasant to mention, his pride will not let him, then you will marry me, as planned, and be the Queen of Florin." (6.137)

Humperdinck is a liar, plain and simple. He knows full well that Westley is shut up in his dungeon, but he's still willing to pretend that Buttercup still has a chance of marrying the guy. But hey, that's just the kind of guy Humperdinck is.

Quote #9

"He couldn't be married. I'm sure. Not my Westley." (6.138)

When Humperdinck suggests that Westley might have already gotten married during his years away from Florin, Buttercup doesn't want to believe him. Then again, people change over time, and she feels compelled to write a letter to Westley just to double check whether he still plans on marrying her.