Psycho Scene 2 Summary

  • Hey, who's that guy out front of Marion's office with the cowboy hat? It's Alfred Hitchcock.
  • (Because pudgy Brits always wear cowboy hats.)
  • Marion comes in to the real estate office where she works as a secretary. She talks to another secretary, Caroline (who's played by Alfred Hitchcock's daughter).
  • The two women chat; the boss isn't back yet. Marion says she has a headache.
  • Caroline reports that Marion's sister called and is in Tucson on business. (Plot point. The sister, Lila, will show up later.)
  • Marion's boss, Lowery, and a client, Cassidy, come in from a late lunch. Cassidy is a bit drunk.
  • Cassidy's daughter is getting married; he's buying her a house with $40,000. (That's a big chunk o' change in today's dollars: almost 400,000.)
  • He tells Marion all about it, even though she doesn't much care. He's kind of creepy and flirtatious. Ick.
  • Lowery is worried about having all that money out.
  • He tells Marion to take it and put it in the safe deposit box at the bank.
  • Marion comes in and asks if she can take off work after depositing the money.
  • Her boss says, sure, and out she goes.