The Purloined Letter Resources


Quoth the Raven, "Baltimore"

The Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore is a spectacular collection of Poe's writings, including lots of tasty biographical nuggets.

Know Your Poe

You can't go wrong with the fabulous Webby Award-winning site Knowing Poe.

Nevermore…Except Right Now.

The Edgar Allan Poe Collection of Susan Jaffe Tane, hosted by Cornell University, includes lots of awesome images—including the cover page of a guide to shells that Poe wrote for $50. Oh, the things we do for money.

"Dark Genius"

This museum looks awesome. Seriously, if you're reading this from Richmond, Virginia, you should go check it out right now.

Enkindle Your Mind

Poe probably crammed every word of the English language, plus quite a few from other languages, into his body of work. If you get stumped on a word or phrase, this is a good place to go for help. (Plus, it might kick your SAT score up a notch.)

Haunted Lake Not Included

Okay, so Poe National Park isn't a park so much as a city square, but it's still pretty cool. And possibly haunted.

Movie or TV Productions

Featuring a Bunch of People You've Never Heard of

There aren't too many adaptations of "The Purloined Letter," but they tried in 1952.

We Didn't Know There Were Dogs

Nickelodeon's Wishbone: Bringing you classic literature from 1995 to 1998.


"The Purloined Letter: Reading Signs and Ciphers"

Check out this nifty hand-out one that smart professor offers students of "The Purloined Letter."

A Poe-bituary!

Don't be sad. It's been about a hundred and fifty years.


Sherlock Holmes does C. Auguste Dupin

…and worlds collide awesomely. From 1979-80.

The Ghost of Poe

Where the magic happened: a cool glimpse inside of Poe's house.


He's Lost His Marbles

Silly, but cute dramatization of Dupin's story about the champion eight-year-old.

Reading is Hard

But downloading and listening to the free recording of "The Purloined Letter" is easy. (Just kidding, folks! We love reading!)


Use At Your Own Risk

If you use these stamps, your letters will definitely get purloined.


An image of Dupin purloining the letter from D—.

Poe in Action

You know you want one.