Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: an Introduction Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Story.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She told me she just wishes Seymour would relate to more people. In the same breath, said she just loves him, though, etc., etc., and that she used to listen to him religiously all the years lie was on the air. ("Roof Beam" 2.5)

This makes us wonder how much of Muriel's love for Seymour is based on the image she has of him as a radio star. Keep an eye out for more hints like this one as the story progresses.

Quote #2

The Matron of Honor stared at me, openly, for a moment - and not rally rudely, for a change, unless children's stares are rude. ("Roof Beam" 2.152)

This is the third time in two short pages that Buddy has described the other guests as children. Why does he use this kind of language?

Quote #3

"Bring anything," the eternal spokeswoman interrupted from the couch. "Just make it wet. And cold." The heels of her shoes were resting on the sleeve of my sister's jacket. Her hands were folded across her chest. A pillow was bunched up under her head. "Put ice in it, if you have any," she said, and closed her eyes. I looked down at her for a brief but murderous instant, then bent over and, as tactfully as possible, eased Boo Boo's jacket out from under her feet." ("Roof Beam" 3.7)

The Matron of Honor has become increasingly dislikable as the story has continued. Compare the disdain in this passage to the relative acceptance – bordering on admiration – that Buddy felt for her back in the car at one moment.