Greed Quotes in Red Mars

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Line)

Quote #1

"Our work will be more than making wages—it will be our art, our whole life. We will give it to each other, we will not buy it. Also there should be no signs of hierarchy. I don't even believe in the leader system we have now." (2.3.82)

Arkady's picture of a utopia is one lacking in capitalist economy and a level social hierarchy. He sure paints a pretty picture, but for some reason the idiom easier said than done pops into our heads while reading this.

Quote #2

"Bases built on Mars will belong to the countries that build them, for instance. We will be building American and Russian bases, according to this provision of the law. And that puts us right back into the nightmare of Terran law and Terran history. American and Russian businesses will have the right to exploit Mars, as long as the profits are somehow shared by all the nations signing the treaty." (2.4.126)

There's that magic word that informs us greed is involved in the above quote: "profits." Arkady hints at the relationship between politics and greed on Earth. In a word, they're bedfellows.

Quote #3

"I want to be out on it traveling over it always, to study it and live on it and learn it. But when I do that, I change it—I destroy what it is, what I love in it." (3.5.162)

Ann's greediness doesn't come with a price tag. But she does desire something so much it hurts: a pure and untainted Mars.