Red Mars Quotes

Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop.  Pick a theme below to begin.

Science Quotes

Everything is moving already. But to get something from the (moving) surface of the Earth into orbit around it, requires a minimum Δv of ten kilometers per second; to leave Earth's orbit and fly t...

Man and the Natural World Quotes

It always seemed to him that sunset more than any other time of day made it clear that they stood on an alien planet; something in the slant and redness of the light was fundamentally wrong, upsett...

Visions of Mars Quotes

And so we came here. [Mars] has been a power; now it became a place. (1.1.6)

Transformation Quotes

"You can't keep Mars for yourselves, John, it's not a scientific station anymore, and you're not going to get a treaty that makes it one." (1.2.84)

Greed Quotes

"Our work will be more than making wages—it will be our art, our whole life. We will give it to each other, we will not buy it. Also there should be no signs of hierarchy. I don't even believe in...

Rules and Order Quotes

And then it was ringing midnight, and they were in the Martian time slip, the thirty-nine-and-a-half-minute gap between 12:00:00 and 12:00:01, when all the clocks were blank or stopped moving. This...

Community Quotes

Interest groups, mircropolitics—they really were fragmenting. One hundred people only, and yet they were too large a community to cohere! And there was nothing [Maya] or Frank could do about it....

The Home Quotes

They had to be alienated somehow, alienated and solitary enough not to care about leaving everyone they had known behind forever—and yet still connected and social enough to get along with all th...

Identity Quotes

"We were on our own; and so we became fundamentally different beings." All lies, Frank Chalmers thought irritably. (1.2.1-2)