Remembrance Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. How does the speaker use the four elements in nature to reflect her feelings? Does nature ever appear to run contrary to her feelings? 
  2. What's the point of using iambic pentameter in this elegy (besides it being so common)? Do all of the metrical deviations have a purpose, too? 
  3. How does the speaker provide a unique perspective in regards to grieving and joy? Does life always have to consist of finding joy? 
  4. How does the speaker's tone change by the end of the poem when she speaks of checking her "tears of useless passion"? What has she learned? 
  5. What's so important about the metaphor of the "world's tide" and how it relates to life and loss? Can we ever fight against the tide? Why or why not?