Family Quotes in Revenge of the Witch (The Last Apprentice)

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The first rule of farming is to keep the farm together. You can't just divide it up among your children; it would get smaller and smaller with each generation until there was nothing left. (1.6)

What we've learned from this is that your family will take care of you... unless you're the youngest. Then it's all just hand-me-down clothes until you get booted off the farm. Like Tom.

Quote #2

"You'll always have your family. [...] We'll always be here if you need us." (1.49)

After seeing how poorly Jack treats Tom at the end of the book, and how Ellie bans Tom from the house after dark, we think that 'always' just doesn't mean what it used to mean.

Quote #3

It was a friendly argument, the kind families often have, and I could tell that Dad was enjoying it. (1.54)

Wherever this book takes place, it sure as heck isn't in a Mediterranean country like Greece or Italy. Those arguments are loud and intense. But kind of friendly, we guess.