Siegfried Andersson Timeline and Summary


Siegfried Andersson Timeline and Summary

  • Sig finds his dad's body, frozen, out on the lake. It's twenty degrees below freezing, so he's got to piece together what happened quickly before he freezes too.
  • He figures that his dad fell in the lake and it began to freeze over, so he reached for his Bible and some matches to start a fire—sadly, he didn't make it in time.
  • Sig is trying to figure everything out when he hears a knock at the door. It's some guy named Wolff who wants to meet with Einar. The only problem, of course, is that Einar is dead, so Wolff decides to take his matter up with Sig instead.
  • Sig starts to get scared and isn't sure what's happening. The guy says he knows Einar from Nome, but Sig hardly remembers what it was like there because he was just a kid.
  • Finally Anna returns, but she's got no help and no news for either Sig or Wolff.
  • When Wolff asks Sig and Anna where the gold is, he gets frustrated when they don't know. He threatens them a bunch of times, but still they don't come up with any answers.
  • Just then, Sig has an idea. Maybe the gold—or a map to where it is—can be found in his dad's papers, out on the ice.
  • Wolff and Sig head out there, grab the papers and Bible, and come back to the house.
  • When the gold is nowhere to be found, Wolff figures he'll use Anna for more than just money, but before he gets a chance to rape her, Sig stops him and frees his sister. Go, Sig.
  • Sig and Anna run for their lives, with Wolff chasing after them.
  • Wolff shoots and misses—hitting his hand instead. He's arrested and taken to prison.
  • Fifty years later, Anna meets up with her brother and they share a memory about way back when—she realizes that Sig deliberately didn't kill Wolff.
  • Sig thinks about how home is where you heart is, and he also tells us that he decided to write his story down so more people can hear it.