Anna Andersson

Character Analysis

Pretty, sweet, and charming, Sig's older sister is near perfect, it seems. Ever her brother thinks so. Take what he tells us about their relationship:

There were enough years between them that they'd never been rivals, only friends, and until Nadya had come along, Anna had been Sig's mother as well as his sister. (3.1)

Okay, we get it—Anna's everything she should be and more. Lucky Sig.

Anna takes after her mom, which is why she bickers with Nadya so much when she tries to take Maria's place. She calls to mind the story of Job when she feels all woe-is-me; she tries to guide Sig to make the right decisions; and she even has their mom's wavy brown hair. Anna also shows Sig that he doesn't have to shoot something to get his way, and she provides balance in the Andersson household when Einar shows Sig the gun and raves about how amaze-balls it is.

It's important for us to see Anna as a contrast to her dad. She points out that the gun isn't so pretty when it's ripping someone to shreds, just like her mom would say. This girl isn't for peace at any cost, though, and she's got guts and isn't afraid to use them—so not only does she stand up to her dad, but she defends herself against Wolff too. When the creepy menace ties her up and tries to take advantage of her, she fights back, and her determination and gusto help save her life, and definitely don't hurt Sig's chances in the process either.

Anna's Timeline