Richard Cory Resources


Here's to You, Mr. Robinson

Check out this useful bio of our pal E.A.R.


Here is his personal website, brought to you by the Gardiner Public Library.


Simon & Garfunkel's Take

We dig your hair, Art Garfunkel. You dig this musical riff on the poem.

Paul McCartney and Wings cover "Richard Cory"

Boy, this poem's got a lot of mileage with rock stars.


Solemn Reading of "Richard Cory"

We like the rich, somber tones here. What's your take?

Another Take

Here's a second reader's interpretation.


Young Edwin

Here he is, all sensitive and pensive.

Killer 'Stache, Ed

We do admire the bushiness.

Articles and Interviews

100 Years of Takes

This century of interpretations is brought to you by the good folks at Modern American Poetry.


Edwin Arlington Robinson's Selected Poems

Check (most of) them out here.

Edwin Arlington Robinson: A Poet's Life

Here's the definitive biography on our man E.A.R.