Rocky Ambition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Rocky.

Quote #4

ADRIAN: My mother, she said the opposite thing […] She said, "you weren't born with much of a body, so you better develop your brain."

Adrian is shy, but she wants to be smart. Good thing shyness aren't intelligence aren't mutually exclusive.

Quote #5

JERGENS: He picked you, Rocky. Rocky, it's the chance of a lifetime. You can't pass it by.

"Chance of a lifetime" is the key phrase for Rocky, who has been looking for that chance his whole life. Lucky for him that it falls right into his lap.

Quote #6

APOLLO: Look, if history proves one thing American history proves that everybody's got a chance to win.

Apollo is right: America was built on ambition. Rocky's ambition makes him a quintessential American hero.