Romeo and Juliet Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Romeo and Juliet? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How does Juliet die?

She doesn't die, she ran off to Spain.
She trips and falls off her balcony.
She drinks poison.
She stabs herself.
Q. How does Romeo die?

He shoots himself.
Juliet's dad kills him.
He drinks poison.
He stabs himself.
Q. How old is Juliet when she kicks the bucket?

Q. How does Friar Laurence feel after he learns that Romeo and Juliet have committed suicide?

He feels guilty for helping them.
He's glad they were married.
He's happy they are together in eternity.
Depressed; he commits suicide, too.
Q. How do Romeo and Juliet's deaths affect their families?

They don't. It's business as usual.
It ends the family feud.
Everyone is sad, but nothing changes.
Romeo and Juliet don't die.