Romeo and Juliet Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Romeo and Juliet? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Friar Laurence give Juliet?

A kiss on the cheek
A dagger
A Bible
A potion to make her appear dead
Q. Who marries Romeo and Juliet?

They never get married
Friar Laurence
The Prince
Q. How do the two families find out about Romeo and Juliet's deaths?

The police went to their houses and handed them the police report.
Everyone rushes to the scene and Friar Laurence spills the beans about all the spilled blood.
Lady Capulet dreamed of her daughter's death, which brought everyone to the tomb.
They didn't die—the plan worked and Romeo and Juliet escaped.
Q. Where has Romeo been exiled to?

Q. When Lord Capulet sees that Juliet is distraught over Tybalt's death, what is his plan for cheering her up?

He decides to let her marry Paris in two days' time
He gives her wine and she gets drunk.
He doesn't try cheering her up; 13-year-old girls are hopeless in his opinion.
He shuts her away with her mother.