Roots: The Saga of an American Family Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Is this how you repay my goodness—with badness?" cried the boy.
"Of course," said the crocodile out of the corner of his mouth. "That is the way of the world" (3.15-16)

Take note of this one, you sultans of Shmoop, because it's going to come up a lot throughout the novel. We see countless instances of "goodness being repaid with badness," from Kizzy's friendship with Missy Anne leading to her being sold, to Chicken George's blind loyalty to Massa Lea leading to him being sent to England for three years.

Quote #2

It occurred to Kunta that these blacks masked their true feelings for the toubob as carefully as he did his changing attitude toward them. (46.17)

At first, Kunta believes that the enslaved Africans in America have simply accepted the toubob's dominance, but he quickly starts seeing the bigger picture. When you're fighting a foe that's so insanely powerful, you can't fight it directly—you have to strike from the shadows.

Quote #3

Samson was nowhere to be seen. [...] Then, a few days later, he saw the hated black one bearing the unhealed marks of a lash (48.2)

Although Kunta despises Samson more than everyone, he doesn't fully understand what's going on here. Samson probably got whipped because of Kunta's recent escape attempt. He might hate the guy because he seems to have accepted the toubob's ways, but the truth is that Samson is just as controlled and dominated as Kunta is.