RUR Resources


Karel Čapek, Automated

Here's a big Karel Čapek website, with biography, chronology, book excerpts, links, and a real robot Karel Čapek who writes plays and dances the two-step—okay, not that last one.

Singing Robots

Dig this digital mini-opera based on R.U.R.

Science-Fiction History

This website for the BBC program Tomorrow's Worlds is devoted to sci-fi history, including many robotic children of R.U.R.

Movie or TV Productions

R.U.R., 1938

This excerpt of the play—which ran on the BBC—was the first sci-fi television broadcast ever.

R.U.R., 1948

This was a television adaptation of the play, again on the BBC.

Articles and Interviews

A History of Robots, Fake and Real

Check out this timeline of robots, in real life and fiction.

Karel Čapek: Man? or Robot?

Here's a biography which answers this burning question. (Hint: man)


"I Want to Be Master Over People"

Dig this trailer for a stage performance of R.U.R.

Act 1, With Robots

This performance is of the first act of R.U.R.

Robot Parade

Okay, so maybe we just wanted an excuse to showcase a They Might Be Giants video.


R.U.R., the Audiobook

Enjoy this hour-and-45-minute reading of the play.


The Robot Lives!

Here's an image from the 1938 BBC broadcast of a section of R.U.R.

Robots During the Depression

Dig this poster for a 1939 performance of R.U.R., from the WPA.

Robots Still Robotting

Here are some images and a poster from a 2002 production of the play.