Schindler's List Race and Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Schindler's List.

Quote #4

REITER: It will take more than that.

The engineer says this right before she gets shot in the head for daring to argue with a Nazi. But her meaning is tinged with religious overtones. It says that she's a part of something greater, and simply shooting her in the head won't destroy that.

Quote #5

GOETH: You want these people?

SCHINDLER: These people. My people. I want my people.

GOETH: Who are you? Moses?

Goeth uses a joke to tar Schindler with the Jewish brush here, but he's actually serving to remind Schindler of why he's doing this. He really is saying, "Let my people go."

Quote #6

SCHINDLER: Sun's going down.

RABBI: Yes, it is.

SCHINDLER: What day is this? Friday? It is Friday, isn't it?

RABBI: Is it?

SCHINDLER: What's the matter with you? You should be preparing for the Sabbath. Shouldn't you? I've got some wine. In my office. Come.

It's been so long since the rabbi observed the Sabbath that he's lost track of the days. But by lighting the candles—in color, just like the candles in the beginning—the rabbi reconnects with his religious observances. Anyone can pray in private, of course, but this overt expression is hugely meaningful to the rabbi and very generous of Schindler.