Secrets at Sea Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Lamont exploded out of the front passage and was all over us. Lamont—flinging himself on the floor, right there on the rag rug. His eyes rolled like a mad horse. His underbelly showed pale as paper through his fur.

We were all on our feet. A chair fell over. A valuable chair.

Beatrice stifled a scream and pointed. "Oh, Lamont, where is the rest of your tail?" (2.59-61)

Lamont loves exploring, and if that means he ends up in the scary barn, so be it. But when he loses part of his tail to a snake, he sees that there are definitely risks to being so curious. Check out how each sibling reacts. Do their reactions make exploration seem like a risk worth taking? Or should Lamont have stayed out of the barn in the first place?

Quote #5

"There is nothing I wouldn't do to keep the family together," I said in a voice gone weak as… water. "Nothing. After all, I am Helena, the—"

"Then you will have to go to great lengths." Aunt Fannie fingered a final whisker. "Great lengths indeed. Across land and sea, water and the world!" She shook a fist at the heavens. "A world of steam and humans and long, long distance!" (5.101-102)

Aunt Fannie has some advice for Helena: if she wants to keep her family together, then they're going to have to go on a big adventure together. In fact, it sounds like Aunt Fannie thinks going exploring together might be the only hope for the Cranston mice. Sure there'll probably be some rough times ahead, but this big adventure still might be a good thing in the long run.

Quote #6

We sailed away to London, England, Louise and Beatrice, Lamont and I. We began our journey by steamer trunk—that biggest trunk that had stood open for days in Camilla's bedroom, filling up with her new finery. It had drawers inside.

We packed a morsel of food, for we little knew where our next meal was coming from. But we took not a stitch of clothes, as we had no luggage. (6.1-2)

Helena and her siblings are some prepared little mice. Sure they don't have mini backpacks to bring with them on their adventures, but they're still thinking ahead about food. Plus they've found a decent place to hideout as they travel. Go team.