Secrets at Sea Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

The wedding guests made a path for her across the Persian carpet, leading to the fender before the hearth. She was a lovely bride, of course, and you know how Beatrice likes to be the center of attention. Several of the foreign mice dropped curtsies as she passed, not quite knowing whether she was royal or not.

From a small explosion of tulle between her ears, a train of point lace fully six inches long flowed down behind her. It was white lace, ivory with age—a snippet off Queen Victoria's own train from her long-ago wedding day. (16.16-17)

Beatrice has a pretty spectacular wedding, and even though she and Nigel aren't royalty they still get hitched inside a palace—Beatrice even wears a veil made from Queen Victoria's lace. Ooh la la, right?