The Silence of the Lambs Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Silence of the Lambs.

Quote #4

CLARICE: I graduated from UVA, doctor, it's not a charm school.

This is the perfect comeback to shoot down Dr. Chilton's remarks about her gender. But because she's a woman, she has to remind him of her credentials to get his mind off other things.

Quote #5

CRAWFORD: This type of sex crime has certain aspects I'd just as soon discuss in private. You know what I mean?

Starling isn't aware at this moment that Crawford is doing this to appease the local police force. He's appealing to their gender bias and sucking up to them in a way by leaving Clarice out of the discussion. They would feel threatened if she were put on the same level as the rest of them.

Quote #6

CLARICE: Excuse me! Excuse me, gentlemen! You officers and gentlemen, listen here now. Uh, there's things we need to do for her. I know that y'all brought her this far and that her folks would thank you if they could for your kindness and your sensitivity. And now please, go on now and lets us take care of her. Go on now. Thank you.

After being left standing in a room full of men who disregard her and lack respect for her, Clarice feels the need to stand up for herself. The men do leave, but they hesitate. Would they hesitate if given the same order by a male superior officer?