Character Analysis

Y.T. and her boyfriend Roadkill saved Fido (a pit bull blend) when a jerk shot him in the leg. After they'd been caring for Fido for a while, though, he disappeared. This was a bummer for Y.T., but not so bad for Fido: Ng Security Industries fixed him up into Semi-Autonomous Guard Unit B-782, which is wired into the Metaverse and is mechanically enhanced to do all kinds of awesome stuff.

From Fido's perspective, things are pretty simple: Protect the yard; listen to the other doggies when they bark; keep out bad people with guns. But because of Y.T.'s history with Fido, he overrides his programming, jumping his fence to come to her rescue.

Well… rescue might be the wrong word for it. Things are pretty black-and-white in Fido's little doggie brain, so when he reaches LAX, he's in attack mode. That bad man who was hurting the nice girl? Fido chases down his jet as it's taking off and bites it like a tantalizing mailman: "The jet explodes about ten feet off the ground, catching Fido and L. Bob Rife and his virus all together" (71.10). It's too bad that such a loyal dog meets his end like this, but it's also poetic in a sense: Rife was destroyed by love and loyalty, something he never seemed to understand.