Arthur Baron

Character Analysis

Anyone else picture a Marlon Brando Godfather type here? Anyone?

Regardless of how he looks, Arthur Baron is the boss of Slocum's division. He is feared simply because he ranks in a high position of power, but his tact and poise allow him to be respected by all.

Baron really kicks off the action in the main plot when he calls Slocum into his office, leaving the Greens and the Kagles of the company to wonder what in the heck the two are discussing. "I want you to begin preparing yourself," Baron announces to Slocum, "to replace Andy Kagle" (2.125). With polite irony, Baron jokes that Slocum isn't ready for Green's job (even though Kagle's job is bigger and more important than Green's). Ha ha. You got us there, Baron.

Though the deal isn't final yet, Baron urges Slocum to think about it. Slocum leaves Baron's office thinking that he wants Kagle's position. In fact, he finds that he really, really wants it. Anything to shake up the routine, we guess.