Something Wicked This Way Comes Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

They prowled on but found no mysterious midnight spheres of evil gas tied by mysterious Oriental knots to daggers plunged in dark earth, no maniac ticket takers bent on terrible revenges. The calliope by the ticket booth neither screamed deaths nor hummed idiot songs to itself. (15.20)

How much of Jim and Will's fear is just in their heads?

Quote #5

But Jim said nothing. After a long time he clapped his hand to the back of his neck. "It really does!" he cried, in soft amaze.

"What does?"

"Hair! I read it all my life. In scary movies, it stands on end. Mine's doing it – now!" "Gosh, Jim so's mine!"

They stood entranced with the delicious cold bumps on their necks and the suddenly stiffened small hairs quilled up over their scalps. (15.45-15.48)

Take a look at what specific things induce fear in Jim and Will – what do these things have in common? Why are they so scary?

Quote #6

Stolen? No. Jim take it down? Yes. Why? For the shucks of it. Smiling, he had climbed to scuttle the iron, dare any storm to strike his house! Afraid? No. Fear was a new electric-power suit Jim must try on for size. (29.5)

Jim and Will see fear in a fundamentally different way. While Will wants to conquer or rid himself of ear, Jim is intrigued and enchanted by it.