Song of the Open Road Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #4

Allons! we must not stop here!
However sweet these laid-up stores—however convenient this dwelling, we cannot remain here;
However shelter'd this port, and however calm these waters, we must not anchor here; (120-122)

Travel means discomfort—anyone who's ever flown coach can tell you that. At the same time, the speaker is encouraging his readers here not to quit moving, no matter how comfy the environs might get. The hardships of the road are worth persevering in order to enjoy the freedom and community that travel affords.

Quote #5

He traveling with me needs the best blood, thews, endurance;
None may come to the trial, till he or she bring courage and health. (134-135)

You want to roll with our speaker? You better bring your A-game then. Apparently he's not taking a luxury liner to see the world. He's going to endure hard, physical challenges that must be overcome to keep you traveling on the open road.

Quote #6

Listen! I will be honest with you;
I do not offer the old smooth prizes, but offer rough new prizes; (141-142)

"Rough new prizes" sounds like something they might give away on a really bad game show. All the same, that's all the speaker can offer you if you choose to travel the open road with him. He's not sugar-coating it here. To enjoy the character-building benefits of travel, you're going to have to do your fair share of persevering.