Steppenwolf Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Preface if applicable, Paragraph)

Quote #7

Death was decreed for this Steppenwolf. He must with his own hand make an end of his detested existence-unless, molten in the fire of a renewed self-knowledge, he underwent a change and passed over to a self, new and undisguised. (70)

Finally we get a glimmer of hope. Harry has gone through life up to this point thinking that the only way to get some relief is to kill himself; the book, however, is offering him another option: transforming himself.

Quote #8

Once when despair had again got the better of me I had swallowed a big dose of it—enough to kill six men, and yet it had not killed me. (75)

Either Harry doesn't know how to kill six men or he has superhuman strength. But seriously, he is trying to show us that when he overdosed on his medicine he wasn't just crying for help: he really did want to die.

Quote #9

But I put my resolution in this way: the next time I felt that I must have recourse to the opium, I might allow myself to use big means instead of small, that is, a death of absolute certainty with a bullet or a razor. (76)

Harry compares suicide to opium; it's a strange metaphor, one you don't see every day. Opium dulls the senses and puts you to sleep, so suicide is like a relaxing, soothing medicine for Harry.