Stolen Sections 16-20 Summary

Section Break 16

  • Gemma heads toward the Separates and onto the path that runs through the rocks next to one of Ty's water pipes. It gradually becomes cooler and narrower, closing her in, but eventually it leads to a clearing where she finds a shocking amount of green vegetation, as well as the chickens.
  • She keeps following the pipe as the vegetation gets deeper and thicker.
  • Gemma discovers a pool of water right by a cave. The water is cool and clear and obviously the water source for all the plant life.
  • She tries two other paths that stem from the pool, but both are dead ends, causing her to go back to the main clearing. Ty still hasn't come after her.
  • And then, she gets an idea …

Section Break 17

  • Gemma climbs an enormous tree, dodging falling limbs and scary looking spiders as she heads for the top.
  • Once she reaches it, she looks out across the expansive view. Ty was right: There is literally just desert as far as she can see. She sinks down into one of the tree limbs and cries, thinking of her parents and what they must have done at the airport when they realized she was gone.

Section Break 18

  • From the tree, Gemma sees Ty's car pull up; she watches as he begins assembling a fence around the Separates out of chicken wire. What the heck?
  • Gemma decides to make her way back to the clearing, then wait until dark to test the fence and see if she can get through it. Then, she plans to start looking for a road.
  • She figures she has to find something eventually.

Section Break 19

  • Gemma stays in the rocks until it gets dark—and ridiculously cold. As hot as it is during the day, all the heat seems to vanish once the sun is gone (so it goes in the desert). She can hear Ty patrolling the area in his car and wonders if he knows where she is.
  • She waits until his next circle around the area and makes her way to the fence. She can't climb over it, so she tries to crawl underneath, through the rough dirt and the wire pulled tightly to the ground.
  • Then, Ty drives by. He notices her and asks her to please come back home with him, telling her there's no way out except going with him.
  • Gemma finally agrees, so Ty cuts a hole in the fence to let her out.

Section Break 20

  • Ty gives Gemma something hot to drink and tells her again that there is no way to escape him. It's hard for her to listen to the truth, but she knows now that getting away will be impossible.