Stolen Sections 21-25 Summary

Section Break 21

  • Closing her eyes, Gemma imagines walking through the house until she reaches the place underneath it where the snake lives and waits for him to get her. Then, she goes to sleep.

Section Break 22

  • Gemma sleeps for a long time and begins to dream.

Section Break 23

  • Gemma dreams that her mom is singing her a lullaby and holding her.

Section Break 24

  • Then, the dream changes. In this one, Gemma is older and home sick from school, arguing with her mom about whether she's allowed to watch morning talk shows. Her mom insists on Teletubbies, which is really evil to inflict on a sick kid.
  • Gemma asks her mom if they can play hide and seek. She begins looking for a place and eventually finds herself at the bottom of the ocean in the belly of a fish. She waits for her mother to come find her, but she never does.

Section Break 25

  • In the next dream, Gemma is in the hospital on life support. Anna and Ben are there, along with her parents and a nurse who says it's important for them to keep talking to Gemma.
  • Gemma screams to get their attention, but her mouth won't open—then, she opens her eyes to find Ty by her bed.