Surfacing Chapter 11 Summary

  • Later that same night, when everyone went to bed, Joe was still annoyed with the narrator and refusing to be affectionate. He continued to ignore her (as well as the others) the next day.
  • A bit later, Paul arrived in a boat to bring the narrator and her friends some veggies from his garden.
  • There was another man with him named Malmstrom. He was an American. As a member of the Wildlife Protection Association of America (Detroit branch), he was interested in buying the narrator's cabin as a retreat for his fellow wildlife enthusiasts. She declined.
  • She tried to give Paul some veggies from her father's garden in exchange, but the pickin's were slim.
  • She explained to Paul that she couldn't sell because she believed her father was still alive. Paul didn't seem to believe her.
  • Then the group had lunch, and the narrator explained to the others who the men who visited were, and what they wanted. This sent David into a rant about the "Yanks" and Canadian Nationalism.
  • David then made some complimentary comments about the narrator's physical appearance and told Anna she was getting too fat.
  • While Anna and the narrator were doing dishes, Anna called her husband a "schmuck." The narrator, inexplicably, asked what was "wrong" that would make her say that.
  • This led into a conversation about David's roving eye (which has been roving over to the narrator, as we already know) and infidelities, and how he justifies it to her.
  • The narrator, who seemed baffled by the situation and disappointed that David and Anna didn't have the solid marriage she had thought they had, thanked Anna for the intel. Anna kindly assured the narrator that David's attentions were all about her (Anna) and not the narrator. Um, how nice and comforting.