Surfacing Chapter 12 Summary

  • At some point after that heartwarming heart-to-heart with Anna, the narrator headed out with the slop pail. While there, she encountered Joe sulking on the dock. On her way back in, she met Anna (who was on her way out).
  • Back inside, David started hitting on her again. She put him off, so he left.
  • She then resumed her search for family papers. She decided to go through the stack of her father's drawings more thoroughly to see if any were in there.
  • In the process, she came across a letter to her father. It seems that he had been corresponding with an academic about some rock paintings, sending the professor photographs and tracings. As a result of this discovery, she realized that her father's crazy drawings weren't from his imagination; they were copies of rock paintings. Having found proof that he was sane, she once again believed that he was dead.
  • She then realized that some notes and numbers on the drawings were location codes. She decided she wanted to go to the places indicated she could decipher and verify that the drawings were there.
  • Then, Anna came in and asked what was wrong with Joe. The narrator explained the situation and then went outside to talk to him.
  • She asked him if they could just go back to the city and pick up where they left off. He claimed he wanted a straight answer about whether the narrator loved him first. She wasn't able to tell him that, exactly, and so they fought.
  • She left him there to go back inside, where she looked at a photo album.