Tales of the Madman Underground Chapter 7 Summary

Shoemaker's Kid

  • Karl gets home, gets his McDonald's uniform out of the dryer, and makes sure everything is ready for him to go to work after he gets out of the First Day Dance.
  • He contemplates going through his mom's purse in revenge, but the last time he tried that, all he found were used condoms, alcohol, and joints.
  • Karl is taking the dirty kitty litter outside when Wilson, his eccentric elderly neighbor, comes over to inform him that the neighborhood raccoon killed one of Karl's mom's cats.
  • Wilson and Karl locate the corpse and bury it in the massive kitty cemetery behind Karl's house.
  • Karl gets to the dance a little early, so he wanders over to an old display case with a yearbook from the class of 1961. Marti shows up, and the two of them marvel at early '60s hairstyles and how it's impossible to tell which kids fit into which cliques.
  • They talk about their mutual daddy issues—Marti's being that her dad has impossibly high standards for her and Karl's being that his is dead. Marti reminds him that he promised to ask her to dance.
  • As they go their separate ways and head for the dance, Karl runs into Bobby Harris and Scott Tierden, the class troublemakers/really bad amateur comedians.
  • Harris and Tierden make fun of Karl's dead dad, then pick on him for hanging around Marti and call her several bad names.
  • Karl threatens them and tells them to leave him and his friends alone. Fortunately, Gratz intervenes and kicks Harris and Tierden out of the dance.
  • During the dance, Gratz warns Karl to stay away from those guys and not get involved in their antics. Karl says that he was defending Marti, and Gratz tells him how much like his dad he is.
  • Marti and Karl dance and start having a lot of fun. She even offers to give him a ride home and to McDonald's for work so they can spend more time there.