The Tempest Prospero Quotes


Quote 31

Thou most lying slave,
Whom stripes may move, not kindness, I have used
Filth as thou art, with human care, and lodged
In mine own cell, till thou didst seek to violate
The honor of my child. (1.2.412-418)

For Prospero, some things are beyond forgiveness.  This is one of them.


Quote 32

At this hour
Lie at my mercy all mine enemies.
Shortly shall all my labours end, and thou
Shalt have the air at freedom. For a little
Follow, and do me service. (4.1.291-295)

Prospero definitely delights at having his enemies at his mercy, but again, is it okay to enjoy their suffering in the meantime? Would it be too much to ask, or too unrealistic, for Prospero simply be wholeheartedly forgiving? Is this kind of total forgiveness within the realm of human possibility?

[Aside to Sebastian and Antonio.] But you, my brace
of lords, were I so minded,
I here could pluck his highness' frown upon you
And justify you traitors. At this time 
I will tell no tales.
[aside] The devil speaks in him. (5.1.142-147)

Sebastian must be deluded. He speaks in an aside, we're not sure to whom, but he's definitely not denying his attempted betrayal of the King. Can Sebastian really think that Prospero is the one in the wrong? Does he recognize the mercy that Prospero is showing him?