Terence, this is stupid stuff Resources


Housman Bio

Here's a good quick biography of A.E. Housman in case you're curious.

Victorian Web

Here's more Housman info from the mighty Victorian Web, a great resource for learning about the culture of nineteenth-century England.


Blue Remembered Hills

Here's a BBC movie with Helen Mirren (!) inspired by a Housman poem called "Blue Remembered Hills."

Literary Shropshire

Check out this video about Shropshire (the place that inspired Housman's poetry) and its literary life. It's full of awesome Brits.


A Great Reading of "Terence"

We really like this guy's voice, and his chilled-out approach to the poem.

Julie Andrews Reads "The Loveliest of Trees"

Check out Mary Poppins reading another great Housman poem.


A Statue of King Mithridates VI

This sculpted head in the Louvre is supposed to represent the ancient King Mithridates.

A Classic Photo of Housman

A great shot of the poet, looking very much like the wise old scholar he was.

Younger Housman

We like the suit.


A.E. Housman's Complete Works

If you're hungry for more Housman, here's where to find it!

A Biography of Housman

Get the full scoop on the man behind the poems!

A Shropshire Lad

Here it is, in case you want to see what "Terence" would have looked like in its original version.